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Bill of Rights & Responsibilities

Dr. Mohammad Alfagih Hospital will be committed to providing the patient with excellent medical and nursing care begins with the establishment of a partnership between the patient (and his to her family) and the staff at Dr. Mohammad Alfagih the following provides you with a list of your rights as a patient.

Patient and Family Rights:

Patient and Family Rights:

1- Receive a copy of the Patient and Family Bill of Rights and Responsibilities from Reception, Admission Office, or Nursing Staff. If, for any reason, you cannot understand it, please contact the Patient Affairs Officer for help on Dr. Mohammad Alfagih Hospital telephone 0114560000.

2- Patient has the right to receive comprehensive care given without discrimination by competent personnel who respect your personal cultural, psychosocial, religious and spiritual beliefs, values and needs as per hospital rules and regulations and Saudi laws.

Patient has the right to know the identity and professional status of the health care providers responsible of his\her treatment.

Patient has the right of obtaining a second opinion without the fear to compromise the service provided to him\her. (As per the hospital financial rules and regulations) and patient affairs on extension) 0114560000 ( will initiate the second opinion procedure as per hospital rules and regulations.

Patient has the right to ask for Interpreter, if needed.

Participate in decisions involving your health care.

Patient has the right to refuse\ discontinue the treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed about the potential consequences, responsibilities related to such decisions and the available care and treatment alternatives and you will be asked to sign a form prepared for that purpose.

Patient has the right to receive upon his\her request an appropriate explanation of the cost of his\her treatment.

Patient has the right to receive complete and current information from his\her Physician “once final diagnosis is defined” regarding the diagnosis and the medical condition, consent, planned care and treatment, the outcome of care, any anticipated outcomes of care and treatment, changes in your health status, potential benefits and drawbacks of proposed treatment, likelihood of successful treatment, available care and alternative treatment, possible problems related to recovery and possible results of non-treatment in terms that you can understand (Interpreter is available, if needed).

Patient has the right to be provided with information upon discharge, of his\her continuing health care requirements and how to meet them and the appointments if there is follow-up.

Have the patient’s medical record confidentially protected from loss or misuse and read only by authorized

Patient has the right to complaint/ suggestion through the Patient Affairs Office, Ext. (1122) without affecting the provided service quality and the result of the investigation will be relayed to you by Complaint unit as soon as possible on extension (1122).

Expect emergency procedure to be carried out according to the medical priority of the case and without unnecessary delay.

Receive written general consent when you come for treatment for the first time.

Patient has the right to sign the necessary informed consent after giving all necessary information explained as interpreted prior to any surgery or invasive procedure, blood or blood components transfusion or anesthesia or procedural sedation or high-risk procedures and treatments.

Mohammad Alfagih hospital will adhere to provide needs of dying patient and will be recognized, respected and addressed in the care process without contradicting with the hospital rules and regulations and Saudi laws.

Patient has the right to be protected from physical, verbal and psychological assault.

Mohammad Alfagih hospital will adhere to provide safety environment that surrounding the patient care within the framework established by the hospital.

Patient has the right to be protected privacy while receiving services.

Patient has the right to have appropriate assessment and management of pain.

Patient has the right to know other available sources of care for his\her condition and other alternative treatment inside or outside the hospital.

Patient will be provided with a safety mechanism for his\her valuables from loss or theft, when needed.

Mohammad Alfagih hospital supports the patient decision if he\she decide to donate organ or tissue “although we don’t provide this service” and for more information, you can call the Saudi Center for Organ and Tissue Transplantation on Toll Free 800-124-5500.

Patient has the right to seek assistance when he\she has any concerns about his\her condition.

Patient has the right to be informed how to seek assistance when he\she has any concern about his\her condition.

Patient and Family Responsibilities:

Patient and Family Responsibilities:

In our effort to provide outstanding and quality medical services, all Dr. Mohammad Alfagih hospital patients and their sitters shall abide by Hospital’s rules and regulations highlighted below:


You have a responsibility to deal with hospital staff and other patients in a decent manner and respect their privacy.

You are responsible for following and respecting the hospital rules and regulations related but not limited to Visiting hours, no smoking, not bringing in food from outside without doctor’s permission, safety and security instruction, the use of hospital facilities and hospital property.

You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information about present and past illness history, any change in your health status and accurate list of medication that you are currently using, dietarily supplements and any allergies.

You are responsible for understating your health problem and suggested care before signing any consent.

You are responsible for following the instructions and medical orders of your treating team and to tell them if you are unable or are not willing to follow the treatment plan.

You are responsible for the consequences of refusing the treatment or not following the treatment plan.

You are responsible for keeping your appointment, if you can’t keep the appointment, it is your responsibility to notify the appointment office as early as possible.

You assume the financial responsibility of paying for all services rendered, either by you personally or third-party payers (i.e., insurance company).

You respect and consider the priority for Emergency case.

Avoid bringing personal valuable to the hospital. The hospital is not responsible for their safety, in special situation; you can submit your valuables to your allocated nurse, in the present of security, after checking their ID you will receive a copy of the patient’s property receipt. Keep it and hand it over to the nursing staff when you request your valuables back.